Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Free-fall & Projectiles 3


earthworm jim said...

I thought this one was the most useful because it was easy to digest, for the simple fact that you recognized that reading sucks and big pictures with bright colors are good. I skimmed it also, good info, you might want to tone it down on text colors, it was painful to read

Anonymous said...

This is really good with alot of real life examples. I liked the illustrstions and the straightfowardness of this project.

Fergeson said...

This project is very nice and colerful, i like the example invovling sports they help me understand it. good project

AlphaBetaParkingLot said...

I don't know if your only supposed to comment on you favorite Presentation... but this one got REALLY HARD to read when the pictures took up the entire background... you should have just used smaller pictures, as i can't read half your presentation

Max Power said...

For some reason, I had a problem reading this one. I thought the backgrounds made the words tough to see, and I think I could have gotten more out of it if maybe the words and pictures were on separate slides.

Unknown said...

This one's really hard to read most of the time. So I didn't actually read all of it. But the pictures were good. and the examples that I saw were good.

Cheesehead said...

This was a very good project. who ever made it was very intelegent and knew what they were talking about.

=] said...

the pictures on this helped me understand because i like visuals to explain things. it also made it more interesting to read.

pepe said...

I think this presentation was great the only problem was how i could barely read it.
The pictures were nice, if it's possible to make the 2 coexist that'd be great.