Saturday, November 3, 2007

Now, there is a way to get to school!

This is really neat!


MicHand said...

It is indeed very interesting, and a very clever idea. But I feel that it would also cause you to be mocked mercilessly by your peers.

Cheesehead said...

Although you might be made fun of, it would help out the climate problem if everyone came to school on that, instead of their Escalades and Hummers. Don't get me wrong, if i had the money i would probably buy a hummer as well. But something like taht bike, deffinatly in the future has a shot at becoming the main way of transportantion, especially with the rising gas prices and climate issues. If only people (including myself) would be more concerned about or environment, then we wouldn't have to worry about these problems

Unknown said...

If I saw someone riding to school on one of these, I wouldn't make fun of him... I think it's kinda cute. BUT for $8,000, I'd just get a used prius or a car with good gas mileage, even though the bike is probably more environmentally friendly. I wouldn't say it could become the main way of transportation, but in theory it could give the Hummer a run for it's money.

MicHand said...

While it is probably very environmentally friendly, I just can't see it catching on. I feel it is more of a novelty rather than "the way of the future". As for riding it to school, I'd be afraid to leave it outside for a whole day, seeing as how many kleptos our school seems to have.

Lafayette R. H. said...

I agree with michand about it being a novelty.
First of all, coming to school on this isn't really saving the environment. Now consider that the average working American lives 20 miles from work. Somehow I don't think these will catch on.
This nonsense just targets people's fears. It's $8000! Why is the frame a half-circle? Pi radians? Why?
And how long before the batteries have to be replaced?
Also, consider what would happen if everybody had an electric vehicle that they would plug into an outlet every night. That might cause some other problems...

Tom Halsall said...

The fact that it only takes 2.5–3 hours to charge the bike and the bike can run on that charge for 25–30 miles makes it seem pretty efficient as a mode of alternative transportation. obviously there is no way it could replace a car, but if used as an alternative to a car for short distance transportation, i think it could really be benificial to our envirornment and plus you would look pretty sweet riding it.

1234567891011 said...

As enviromentally friendly as it seems, i dont really see many people going after that idea. Plus the fact that its $8,000 doesn't make it any better. I agree with michand when they said theyd be afraid of leaving it outside. Something like that would definately be stolen.

MicHand said...

I feel that an idea like this would probably be more popular if applied to a car. Asking people to jump from gas powered cars to something like that is just too much of a stretch. And what about the weather? What if it's raining or windy and cold? I know for sure that I would NOT want to be driving 20 some odd miles home through a vicious hail storm on the back of that thing. It's really just not practical.

curlygurly said...

I also think this would be hard to catch on because of its price, but if it can replace several hundred cars, it can make a small difference. I agree with Tom Halsall that it can't replace all cars but it can be used for shorter trips.

I feel like this is something my uncle would get. He used to scooter to work.

Ms. Speights said...

This is no new product. Recently I went to Beijing, China. While I was there I noticed the majority of the people riding electric bikes. Sure it is great to reduce emissions and all that stuff, but if the people who created this claim to be originals, then they should be assaulted. The Chinese are five steps, and they definitley aren't paying 8,000 for this little electric bike.

Lafayette R. H. said...

glaz dont approve this irrelevant comment but check out this video if you have a minute:

0wpm said...

In response to Ms. Speights, as far as technological advances go, the Chinese and the Japanese are miles ahead of us. As far as price goes, yes it is expensive as far as bicycles go, but to think of spending $8000 dollars for this as opposed to $25000 for a hybrid, that's much more beneficial for your wallet. And also you get more exercise from this bike than from a hybrid. True, it may not go as fast, but it is certainly more environmentally friendly and better for you in more than one way.

kamBOOTY said...

While the idea behind this bike may come from a good place, it is more of a luxery item than a real way to make a positive impact on the environment. The fact is, the price alone prevents it from catching on. Why pay $8,000 when one can buy a regular bicycle that is not only lighter, but faster, better for the environment (electricity has to come from somewhere after all) and perhaps most importantly, cheaper. With even the smallest amount of training, a 20 mile ride(this bike's maximum range)can be an easy, relaxing and enjoyable experience. By contrast, during the "Race Across America," Jure Robic, an amateur cyclist rode, 3042.8 miles, in under nine days.(20 miles doesn't seem so bad does it?). Not only is a regular bike better for the environment and better for ones health, it is also a much healthier choice for ones bank account.

Greggles said...

I disagree with michand about the bike just being a novelty. I think that this bike is an excellent replacement for cars, especially in crowed areas such as cities. It is a highly over priced, which may make it seem like a novelty, but if people really want them they will shell out the cash. And, with getting a good bike lock there isn't much of a threat of getting one stolen, especially in croton.

Hannah Rose said...

I think this is definitely a step in the right direction for creating vehicles that do not need gasoline and are more environmentally friendly. However, the Pi Bike seems a little inconvenient to completely replace a car (as michand said, what if it's raining?). Also, it could ont replace a car because how would you be able to travel anywhere far away, since it only runs for 30 miles on one charge? would you have to stop your trip halfway through and wait 2 hours for it to charge again?

The other problem with many environmentally friendly vehicles is that they are too expensive for the average person to afford. Items like this canot gain full popularity until they become more affordable for everyone.

mclovin91 said...

I would just like to point out that we invented cars for a reason. Yes, it would help out the environment; but for some people they need cars to get to school because riding a bike is too long a distance. I'm fortunate enough to be able to walk to school, which is also a good way to help out the environment. However, though we do need many more fuel-efficient cars, right now cars are still the most necessary and most effective way of getting from point A to point B.
Also, in response to "cheesehead," the only way bikes will ever become the main source of transportation is if they become motorized vehicles. People don't have that kind of time to ride a bike everywhere they need to go; especially in today's world where everything moves and is processed so quickly, we don't have the time to mozy along with slow sources of transportation such as bikes. Unless for some obscure reason people decide to become laid back and accept information and human interaction to come at an obsolete pace, motor vehicles (fuel-efficient or not) will rule the days to come.

IAmLegend said...

This bike would be great for short distance travel, especially for parents who drive to the train station everyday. The fact that it is 8,000 dollars doesn't help, you could get a beat up, old civic for half that price. If the price was reduced to a reasonable amount this bike would be a great alternative mode of transportation.

MicHand said...

Greggles, unless you like riding that thing through a windy rain storm and getting hit by branches and such, then yeah it pretty much is a novelty. I really can never see anything like this catching on in any sort of large scale way. I mean, in theory it's a great idea, but then again so is communism (sorry Glaz). Yeah it might be useful for commuters to drive to the train station on, but other than that, I can't see it being all that practical.

the opposite and equal reaction said...

Using a bike for transportation to a location relatively close is a great idea. It's good excercise, it saves gas which saves money and doesnt release harmful chemicals into the enviroment. Yet people are still going to use cars and other means of transportation that are more harmufl to the enviroment and more expensive because they want to get places faster and more comfortably. In my opinion, everyone should either own a bike or walk when it is a nice day out, it always annoys me when people are driving to go places that are less than a mile or two away, simply because it's a waste and you shouldn't be afraid of som,e excercise or having to take a little more time to get somewhere.

Paris said...

I see the faults to it but there could be some major improvements made to it though. If it had a light weight roof that insulated so it was warm i would definetly consider this. The price is still a little high but eventually as it becomes more commercial and easier ways of producing it are invented it should become less expensive. And besides, it really could help things and that seems worth spending some extra money on. I wouldnt mind having one of those.

lez said...

I agree with liontamer. The bike is enviormental friendly but more than one person would have to use it to really put it in affect. It is also $8,000. Like liontamer, I would probably just buy a prius because it can get you more places. I doubt this will become the main way of transportation but it is a nice idea.

Fergeson said...

This bike is just a novelty. It doesnt seem very practical as far a bikes go, The frame seems awkward ,and very heavy, it probably would be hard to lock up judging by the thickness, it also is probably not very maneuverable if you look at the fork how does it turn? Also it reaches speeds of 20 mph i can pedal faster, and im sure the acceleration is terrible it probably takes 1 minute to reache that speed. Although it is an Environmentaly friendly form of transportation, and it is better than a car, A regular bike Is more environmentaly friendly, It gives you more of a workout, they dont look stupid and the Dont COST 8000$. Who would pay 8000$ dollars for a poorly designed ineficiant electric bycicle. Why not buy a 400$ bycicle that is twice as practicle and doesnt shortout your sockets or run up for electric bill. Why not by a Smart Car so you can at least be protected from the rain, and you wont arrive work with rashes near your privates.

I would never ride that to school, that bike is a severe waste of money.

Unknown said...

Using electricity doesnt help the envirnmoent guys. Where does that elctricity come from? Fossil fuel power plants. Actually, its probably better to use gasoline instead of elcetricity because alot of fossil fuel power plants use coal, and coal is gross.
Just use a legit leg powered bike. They give you a hot bum and some rocking thighs. And bikes are just fun. We wonder why obesity is a problem in the U.S.

Anonymous said...

Although this is eco friendly, it seams kind of impractical for the general public. This is because it looks weird and costs 8K. This is a lot compared to other gas free modes of transportation, like a regular bike or a scooter.

whatisphysics? said...

I believe that the bike is indeed a way to prepare for the future it is necesary for people to look at the effect that we are currently having on the world and how we can possibly change. The thing is that if you want to buy a used car for $8000 car than all you are doing is adding to the climate change and increasing the problems in the world today. I think that we should not turn a blind eye to the problems facing our world today.
I believe that global warming is our biggest issue and therefore not paying attention to it will only lead to problems for the future generations.

pl3144 said...

Although it is a very good idea, it will most likely never replace the
automobile. Our society is so dependable on the car whether it is going to
work, school, sporting events, etc. This new invention only lasts 25-30 miles
per charge which won't cover those longer trips. It is a great idea for short
transportation but who has $8,000 dollars for this and however much their car
costs for those longer trips. I think instead of putting money towards inventions
like this we should try and further develop hybrid cars and hydrogen cars.
These cars are much more environmentally friendly and can be used for all
transportaion purposes.

Samuel L Wackson said...

Im gonna have to agree with my main bros kambooty and jack, why ride an electric bicycle when you can ride... a bicycle! O wait, I know why, because your lazy and have way too much extra money lying around!