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So, let’s assume we all agree that climate change (regardless of its causes) is an issue which needs to be addressed. From where I sit, it looks like politicians are not likely to get anything substantial accomplished for quite a while. So, it is all up to us – mere mortals. What can you do to address the issue?
Here is my 5-year plan (yes, I know – my communist underbelly is showing)
1. Do not vote republican
2. Drive a fuel efficient car
3. Better insulate my house
4. Put solar panels on the roof of my house
5. Investigate moving back to Russia – when all of you down here are swimming in the waters of melted glaciers, Siberia will be nice and ready for occupancy.
Assessing science is like assessing an Isaac Asimov novel. The fundementals are based in factors prevalent in society or in the natural world, but take into account human ingenuity and natural phenomena. Overall, it makes you think.
All I got here is: Huh? I am having trouble parsing this one. Heeeelp!Humanity has always needed something to explain the basics and explore the unknowns involved in the lives we live every day.
No argument here.
Without god or science we would all be walking around in an existentialist haze.
What is your objection to existentialism? The movement gave us plenty of brilliant writers (from Dostoyevsky to Kafka) and great philosophers. In my view, in its spirit existentialism is not that far removed from scientific skepticism. Existentialist thought began with examining and questioning the assertions and assumptions of proceeding philosophical movements. Skeptical thought questions the assumptions and the methodologies underlying scientific conclusions. In spirit the two are not so dissimilar. Thus, of all the hazes in which one can find herself, existential haze does not seem so bad… Hazy reasoning and hazily (or hastily?) assembled arguments seem to be a lot more dangerous.And finally (unrelated to science, but the question is eating at me) why post a comment on skepticism and pseudoscience under the name “Balzac…” I have read plenty of Balzac in my younger years and (unless I have missed something) there are plenty of other s-words I would associate with his writing (like satirical, sarcastic, sardonic) but skeptical certainly would not be one of them. Did the great French writer change his spots in the jaws of death? Or if the author refers to a (somewhat differently spelled) band, then again, I ask, why? What is the analogy/relevance?
And having responded to the last paragraph she rested…